Project "Legis 75"___Concept, Artistic Direction and Music for a Videomapping at the Town Hall of Munich, Marienplatz, commemorating 75 years of Democracy in Germany

Audio/Video installation including live-elements, commissioned by the city and the mayor of Munich as an official event marking 75 years of Democracy in Germany

Concept, artistic direction, text selection, music: lukas taido

Digital animation, projection mapping: mammasonica | luca pulvirenti | cristina santangelo | lars ullrich | linus herterich

Live speakers: waldemar kobus_traute hoess_caro matzko_katja schild_martin cambeis_gerd anthoff

Organisation: fa-ro marketing gmbh, lukas taido

Technical planning and supervision: ronny koetteritzsch

Very special thanks to:

Dieter reiter, mayor of munich

Thomas g. radmer

Franz westner

Referat für bildung und sport landeshauptstadt münchen

Press: "Süddeutsche Zeitung"

Audio/Video installation including live-elements, commissioned by the city and the mayor of Munich as an official event marking 75 years of Democracy in Germany more

Legis 75 Munich 2024_Short Version (5:54)_English subtitles

LEGIS 75 Munich 2024_Full Length Live Video (21:50)_English subtitles

Foto: Andreas Haas